Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Could I Care Less?

OMG. BBLand. These last few days have been like watching vultures circle over a struggling bunny rabbit clinging on to the last few minutes of life. The only difference is the HG's playing the role of bunny keep changing. I've lost interest in BB12. There's no one that I'm particularly rooting for.

Matt screwed himself over big time. He's said in both his DR's and to Ragan, that he's being shunned by the people who were his friends (Enzo, Hayden, and Lane). And he KNOWS that they have used him to get them this far and that they are now cutting him loose. So why Matt? Why would you continue to throw Ragan under the bus and share his house knowledge with the Three Stooges? And also, why are you rolling over and dying? For a Diabolical Super Idiot, I mean Genuis, you sure have given up quick. How about exposing the Brigade? Sure, some people might not believe you, but at leave give a chance for the seed of doubt to grow into a fruitful tree. Strike up an alliance with Brendon and Ragan.

Britney, poor little doe eyed Britney. WAKE UP! This is Big Brother. You TRUST NO ONE! Lane is playing you for a fool. He has absolutely no allegiance to you. You were so on to what was really going on after the POV comp. But no, you have to trust your "army" and you will be going to the jury house with a little "Friendly Fire" aimed your way by your "army." They will have you out the first chance they get. There's no reason for them to get rid of Brendon. They stand the best chance of winning if he and one of them is in the final two.

Ragan, stop with the "Inappropriate Zing Bot." It's not funny. And it's a real shame that you didn't believe Kristen until now about the boy's alliance. You pegged it completely. I just fear that it's far too little and far too late. And I'm really concerned how you are going to react once you get out of the house and realize the true depth of Matt's betrayal. It's going to suck for you.

The Three Stooges. Ugh. I'm so over "The Brigade." And the funny thing is, they've gone on and on about how they'll be the only alliance in BB History to make it from beginning to end in a hidden alliance. Well you won't. Joke's on you Boys! When you turned on your own, and booted Matt out of the alliance, then you severed your Brigade Alliance. Yeah, a new one was born with a new name, BG3D (lame), but it won't be the one that last until the end either. Hayden doesn't have an allegiance to either of you Enzo and Lane. He's got Final 2 deals with both of you.

And here's where I get to the point where I really don't care who wins BB12. I'm ready for BB13. This season was a HUGE bust! I'm hoping that AGP does better next season. There needs to be more diversity in the people chosen. These people are all like cookie cutter images of the roles that they were supposed to be.

I don't want to say it, but I'm going to. "I'm so over Big Brother."