Saturday, July 14, 2012

Toto, There's no place like Home!

Dusting this place off for a fresh new post!

Just wanted to let my modest group of followers know where I'm hanging out this summer. I started following a new Big Brother Blog at the end of last season and it's quickly become my favorite. Enough to bump it up to the top of the list over there on the right ----> for the list of blogs I follow. Though it didn't really get geared up until this season of BB, it's quite entertaining, and has filled in the gaps of a whole lot of the pre-season madness, and offers very observant views of Big Brother as the social experiment it is. If you are looking to know whenever someone rolls over during the night or scratches their armpits, then you might want to check out some of the other blogs out that I have been following to get my updates via twitter and facebook. See my suggestions at the bottom of this post.

But if you ARE looking for a place where there aren't armchair psychologists and armchair attorneys waiting to beat you over the head until you fall into submission if you don't agree with who they like in the house, then this new blog might be the place you can find a safe haven. Like a lighthouse on the rocky shores of a shabby island, it has led my ship to the safe waters.

There are places out there that I had frequented before, but like Dorothy said, "There is no place like home." And while some of these previous places look like The Land of OZ with it's golden brick roads and emerald cities, it becomes evident that it really is just a dream. And those looking for a heart, courage, or brains, may come up empty handed. You can drop some coins in a fountain for the hard work that keeps OZ running that you expect to be shared and distributed to the many that make OZ run, but unfortunately, the coins aren't shared, and The Great Wizard collects them solely. You may spend hours creating things to be used to spruce up OZ, only to have them unused. You may make new items for the OZ store to bring in revenue for the kingdom, maybe silently wishing you could get one as a display of appreciation, only to be left empty handed while the Wizard reaps the rewards. You may sit idly by watching as free feeds are handed out for retweets, and think for certain you'll get some too for trying to help out and fill a gap, only to be disappointed. You may unselfishly spend summers that you would otherwise have off, scouring over every word a houseguest says and sharing with the masses for hours on end, not expecting but maybe wishfully hoping you would get something, anything, in return only to have these wishes squelched like an errant flame. And you might rightfully expect to have the nasty OZites that disparage and blatantly disrespect you exiled to some dingy swampland, afterall there are rules posted against this, only to be disappointed to see that they are welcomed with open arms and even sought out if they go missing for a day. You may think that you’ve made a true friendship only to be disheartened to discover that once the feeds go down, you become useless until the next BB season starts to roll around.

But then you wake up from this nightmare. There is no tornado waiting on the horizon to wipe you off the map. There are no Wicked Witches. And you look around at the familiar faces checking to make sure you are okay and you realize “you were there, and so were you, and you …” And you learn that these people that are surrounding you, that are your true friends, have been there all the time, and they were trapped in the same warped world as you. And you learn that they already have a heart. They already have brains. And they are some of the most courageous friends you could find. In fact the only thing that has changed is that you are in a new place and there is no Wizard masquerading himself as great and powerful. And there is no one bullying you do one thing and not another. And above all, you are free to leave this new place if you want, and even encouraged to visit other corners of the internet to make sure you are up to date on all the Big Brother happenings, because this new place doesn‘t make false promises that it‘s the only place on the internet for reliable Big Brother news. And if you do venture out, you aren’t reprimanded for abandonment and not pledging your loyalty.

So if you have become disenchanted with whatever place you call OZ and would like to try something new, please drop by where I will be spending my summer and say hello. You might be surprised and find some familiar faces there that were also looking for some shelter in the storm. We will just be up to our old Shenanigans again. :D

Here's where I'm going in addition to Big Brother Shenanigan's to get the latest BB Dirt:

iPhone APPs

Big Brother Network

Pocket Big Brother

Big Brother Sites and Pages

Big Brother Network

Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother Leak